There are classes for singletons and multiples. Prenatal classes typically include a birth center tour. Check with the hospital to see what they currently offer. Prenatal classes can be online or in person. We recommend completing them before your 37th week of pregnancy.

You can begin taking prenatal classes at the start of your second trimester. At Madison Women’s Health, we refer our patients to Unity Point Meriter for prenatal classes. You’ll learn about creating a birth plan, common things that happen in a hospital, and how to manage pain. Prenatal classes or birthing classes can help you understand what to expect during your labor and delivery. Getting Ready for Baby How important are birthing classes? Here are some of the most common questions I’ve been asked about giving birth for the first time. As you think about the big day when you’ll finally meet your little one, you probably have questions about what to expect!

Just as the rest of your pregnancy has differed from others’, your birth experience will be unique to you and your baby. Giving birth can be both exciting and terrifying for first-time moms.